Saturday, September 12, 2009

Isabel's summer went something like this....

Sang some karaoke in the kitchen.

Lost a couple teeth.

Fireworks with all the neighborhood kids.

4th of July parade in Pocatello.

Tried to do some acrobatics with cousins.

I am bored!!!! We heard that a lot at the game.

Went to the Idaho Falls baseball game on the 4th of July.

Picking a scab on her face (probably a bike injury) at the baseball game while Emmett tries to sneak in the picture.

Being silly with cousin Emma.

Having a picnic with cousins.

Did a lot of swimming in the kiddie pools at home.

Pet a bird at McKee's pet store and only got bit once! haha

Was put in jail.

Played in the lake (if that what you would call it) in Blackfoot and got swimmers itch. That was hell and I wasn't even the one who had it!!

Looked oh so cute.

Did some crafts.

Road bikes and only got in 3 wrecks in the 3 days we were camping. She gets in some nasty bike wrecks. I think she has more scars from bike riding than anyone I know. One summer I am going to have to keep track of all the bike accidents she gets in. I don't even know why she keeps riding bikes. LOL!!

Also was part of the secret club.

Cried (this was probably from a bike wreck).

Drank more soda than I think she has in her entire life.

Dug holes and played in them. They said they were making toilets. I hope they didn't use them! haha

Went on lots of walks

and explored a lot.

Cried more. Do you see a theme yet?

Played roller hockey with the big boys.

And cried some more.
So she pretty much got in bike wrecks and cried a lot. I think that sums up the entire summer for her! LOL!! She is so cute and so funny. I just love her to death!!


Lisa said...

Your girls are adorable! I love these last 2 posts! What a great way to sum up the summer!

Shelby said...

These make me laugh so much! You're girls are such tomboys!