Sunday, July 12, 2009

The last 6 weeks

All I have done the last 6 weeks is work, sleep and take care of the family. I haven't had time to do pretty much anything else. I am always excited for summer so we can relax, but it seems like summer is always busier than we plan on it being. Hopefully it won't be so long before the next time I can get on here!!

Marcus took the kids fishing while I was at work and this was their catch!

Grace's last day of 2nd grade with her teacher Mrs. M.

Isabel's last day of Kindergarten with her teachers Mrs. Jensen and Mrs. Critser.

Kingston was ready to get in the tub before I was ready to put him in.

Isabel's cake for her 6th birthday with her friends.

Grace's cake for her 8th birthday with her friends.

The girls getting sung to at their party.

The babies playing so nicely together after the party.

Our garden when everything was first coming up. This is our tomato, cucumber, onions and zucchini.

Here is the other half. The beans, peas and spinach. I will put on an update of what it looks like now when I can get a chance.


Lisa said...

The girls' cakes are adorable! And your garden looks terrific!

Shelby said...

Finally! I've been wondering what you guys have been up to :)

Grama gg said...

Wow you have been busy...I've been waiting for more pictures again...I know it is hard for you to post them, but sure enjoy them.Check out my blog...

Lacie said...

hey you thought id tell you guys hi, and as alwasy your pictures are way cute..ill miss seeing you!! if you ever want to visit giv me a call 406-2683 -lacie