Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day at the Park.

LOL This picture makes me laugh. Emmett needed his shirt off at the park. I'm not sure if it was because he was hot or because he thought he was too cool for a shirt. So, of course Carson and Kingston had to take theirs off too. I think Emmett is showing his sexy muscles, Carson is showing his tough muscles and Kingston is eating some chicken. haha. He isn't sure how to flex yet.

Watch out for these two! They look dangerous! They kept finding sticks and swinging them around, I am surprised nobody got hurt.

Kingston and Matthew playing king of the mountain. These two are so funny to watch play. They can't talk so they just laugh at each other.

Little girls climbing the trees and getting stuck. There is a Frisbee golf field here and they almost got hit twiced with Frisbees! haha

Big girls climbing the rocks.

Isabel's Hulk muscles are showing here! LOL Her arms look huge!

Notice how each picture everyone is further spread out?! They just wander.

Here is most of them at the beginning of our hike. Somewhat together.


Meredith said...

very cute! but i must ask why MY blog is not on YOUR list?! what's the deal?

Grama gg said...

cute pictures. Thanks

melissahurst99 said...

I keep trying to put a couple of peoples sites on my list, but something strange is going on and it keeps giving me an error. I will have them on eventually. I still love you!

Shelby said...

It looks like they're in the jungle--I bet they loved it!

Also, thanks so much for the clothes and toys! You should have seen Kairi with Dora--she kept laughing hysterically and lunging for her hair. We left that one there for a while so she can play with it--so funny!

Jason and Candace said...

your little family looks awesome!!!! you r all adorable!! looks like a great day!!