Saturday, May 2, 2009


I don't know if I remember what Spring is suppose to look like, but I think this is it! It was so nice and warm for about a week (almost 80!) and then we slide back down to the 40-50's. Today it is cloudy raining and freezing!! Come back warm weather!! Come back!

We almost have leaves!! I am so excited for the sun! It is so much easier for me to wake up early when I see the sun peeking through the windows. I wouldn't do good in Alaska.

Isabel (she informed me it is not Izabel anymore) was shutting herself in the cooler for some reason. We aren't sure why.

I love it when the kids lay on the ground outside and play. They are definitely not afraid to get dirty. I wish I was still like that!

I really dislike these rocks, but the kids always have so much fun playing in them!


Meredith said...

hey melissa! cute blog! i like it. you have to check mine out.

i like your new bedroom.

Lacie said...

hey there, super cute pics of yur lil babies!! they're so dang cute!! i tryed calling ya the other day, was gonna c about ur yard sale and possably letting me add a few things, but you was at the store ur hubby said! it's alright though ill just pac up everything again and do something with it, eventually- hehe oh and kylies birthday party is on the 31st at 1 and i got an invite for your kidos, so hope you can come. Anyhows dont talk to you much any more just stopping by to say hi oh and my blog site is
well c'ya laters!