Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hot Date!

So, I forgot my camera which NEVER happens so I have no pictures. Marcus took me to the Institute Valentines dance and dinner! We had a lot of fun! It was super great because it was FREE! We had lasagna, rolls, salad and cake for dinner. Then we sat back most of the evening and made fun of everyone (Isn't that so adult of us?). We talk for quite a while with Kelly and Debbie Laga. They are hilarious! Marcus is taking Institute again this semester from Kelly. We were out for about 4 hours and had a lovely time together. We talked a lot about how we are glad we are done with the stupid dating thing! Thank you dear for a great Valentine's Date! I love you!


Lisa said...

That is so sweet! I'm jealous! I love dancing! What a great husband you have. And awesome to have a free fun date!

Shavonne said...

haha, when Derek and I went out for out V-Day, we also said how glad it was to be not dating. It's fun in it's own way, but the wondering if he likes you, and silly games in the beginning are nice to not have to do anymore.
anyway, the chair cost $499 at Costco. Kinda lot, but afterall, it is the Emperor...